Stop Wishing, Start Doing!

Welcome to my first blog post. It’s been tough trying to figure out where the hell to start, so I decided to start where I started my journey, sorta….

I got sick of being overweight, tired, depressed, unmotivated, lonely, lacking confidence and having absolutely no belief in myself. I was sick and tired of mediocrity, coming in last place; basically skating through life with a D+.

I was full of wishes: I wish I was happier, I wish I was healthier, I wish I was thinner, I wish I was more attractive.

I helped pay the mortgage on several self-help gurus homes. I’ve heard the spiel and drank the Kool-aid:

An Investment in my program, is an investment in yourself! Pay these insane prices, get my books and CD’s, and when you’re done with those, I’ve got another book and CD set to sell you!

They all sold the same sack of crap, and In my honest opinion, it’s all bullshit. Don’t pay money to people who don’t know you and could really care less about who you are. Once that wallet goes back in your pocket, you’ve joined the ranks of having less money and gaining a shitload of information that moves you in no new direction.

I deserved better and so do you! Quit being prayed upon by people promising you a better life, and start creating that fucking life for yourself! Stop making happiness the destination and start making it the journey. Quit listening to the voices inside and outside telling you “it’s to hard”. Stop making excuses for your poor habits and bad behavior. Start accepting yourself for who you are. Stop being a phony, and start showing your true colors.

I’ve lost the weight, I’m happy, I’m comfortable and best of all, I fell in love with the journey so I’m still on the journey.